Folklorní studio Buchlovice
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About US

FSB Folklorní studio Buchlovice has been founded in 1991 with objective to enrich the life in countryside under the Buchlov castle by way of gift of the folk art from Moravian Slovakia. To folklore upholders speaks Folklorní studio Buchlovice not only with dance, music and songs but also with composed programs, folklore dancing lessons or "evenings at the dulcimer"

After long twenty years of activity we dare to say that programs and performances of the Folklorní studio Buchlovice reached big popularity. First and foremost events such as Day of the wine, Harvester´s songs´ day, Songs about wine´s day and the Christmas cycle of concerts lure every year to Buchlovice many folklore upholders from whole republic. FSB

FSB Events of the Folklorní studio Buchlovice are mostly situated in inimitable background of the Buchlovice chateau and park, surrounded by Chřiby mountain chain. This unique enviroment attracts to Buchlovice more and more continuous and new visitors as well.

Folklorní studio Buchlovice is recently consisted of dance group and men choir. A component of our activities is support of children´s folklore ensemble "Děcka z Buchlovic" which works at Buchlovice elementary school. As soon as these children outgrow of their little children´s costumes they attend Folklorní studio Buchlovice and so that they extend our membership. This kind of cooperation between different types of ensembles which already completed many dancers, musicians and many other people who are essential for working of Folklorní studio Buchlovice creates great base for dpreading folklore in Buchlovice. FSB

FSB Dulcimer band Rubáš with lead violinist Vítězslav Preclík is for many years a significant part of Folklorní studio Buchlovice. This young, dynamic and to co-work disposed band is one of the conditions for development and fulfilling of the objectives which Folklorní studio heads to. Therefore, we hope that Rubáš will keep on our company and strengthen the relationship not only between musicians and members of the Folklorní studio Buchlovice but also between us and public.

Thank you for your support and we believe that we spend with you pleasant folklore moments again.

Ej lúko, lúko
Od Buchlova k Betlému

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MS Folklorní studio Buchlovice consists not only dancers but a big amount of singers as well. They comprise our very succesful male choir. Its members composition is quite constant.

Male choir works under Stanislav Mikuláštík´s direction. In addition to their brilliantly harmonized voices all members of the choir can dance, too. However, their dancing skill you can watch in the only performance - "Na pivo - For the beer". Another characteristic of the members of the male choir is definitively love to wine. MS

MS From its begining, the male choir was backed only by violin, recently moravian pipes (gajdy) and small table cymballom were added up.

Events organized by Folklorní studio Buchlovice reached high popularity and permanent support from folklore patrons from regions of Uherské Hradiště and many others. High credit on this has male choir. The choir invites every year many of their colleagues to Buchlovice to Kosecké písně, Representative wine exhibition and Singing about wine. In return to this, our singers are invited to the another cities and villages to similar events or male choir meetings. MS

MS There are many friends of the male choir of Folklorní studio Buchlovice from the Czech Republic but they have many colleagues from abroad, too, such as Spain ensemble Trapig or French ensemble from Dijon.


TS Dance pairs are the basic elements of Folklorní studio Buchlovice. They show traditional movement richness, voicefulness of our songs and colorfulness and diversity of folklore costumes.

The long-standing leader of our dance group was Jana Neničková who we recall gladly and with honor. Almost all of our former dancers experienced dancing in Folklorní studio Buchlovice under her direction. Her leadership abilities kept the dance group on high level. Jana achieved to evoke discipline and responsibility in minds of the dancers but she injected the love to dance and folklore as well. Since 2009 the dance group leader became Michala Kyliánová and her enthusiasm, determination and kindness managed to bring the dance group on stages of international festivals again. TS

TS Our performances were written and composed mainly by former group leaders such as Jana Neničková or Miloslav Hrdý. These are for example traditional figural dances from Buchlovice, girl´s dance, dolňácké which contains dances from regions of Hluk, Dolní Němčí and Korytná or dances from Častkov, Vlčnov, Moravské Kopanice or Suchov. Recently earns the dance group also new and very successful choreographies by former members of the ensemble - Pavla Večeřová and Petra Kropáčová - the Dvořanovy sisters.

During its existence, many dancers from region of Uherské Hradiště passed through the Folklorní studio Buchlovice. Membership in the dance group brought them either unique experience from performance successes, preparation for transfer to another folklore ensemble or even final phase of their folklore career before entering to the "family life". TS

TS Children´s dance ensembles from Buchlovice are constant sources of new dancers for us. Boys and girls come to the Folklorní studio Buchlovice in age of fifteen or sixteen. They pick step by step experiences from older dancers and are involved into current performances to adopt them completely soon.

CMR Folklorní studio Buchlovice began its activities originally without any band which really wasn´t very good situation for developing an ensemble. This problem was solved with cooperation with various cymballom bands, but none of them didn´t last for long time, because every band went at the end of the day their own way.

This was the reason for estabilishing our own cymballom band. The ensemble conducory, especially Jiří Raštica tried to raise ensemble´s musicians this way who would consider musical accompaniment of the ensemble as a fine activity and well-spent free time. This effort brought results in the fall 2005. Under direction of skilled musician Martin Crla arised cymballom band Slunovrat (Solstice). They gained their success as a musical accompaniment of children ensemble Děcka z Buchlovic I and II. However, in 2011, Mr and Mrs Crlovi ended their cooperation with the band and the band has been disbanded. Some of the musicians entered the cymballom band Rubáš or other bands and they continue in their musical development. CMR

CMR Since 2006, Folklorní studio Buchlovice cooperates with cymballom band Rubáš from Buchlovice with first violinist Vítězslav Preclík. This band had been estabilished in 2005, half a year after CM Slunovrat´s estabilishment and led by Ivo Peterka. From its beginning, CM Rubáš became the musical support for Folklorní studio. Staff of the band changed a lot during the first years. After Slunovrat´s disband, some of former musicians entered CM Rubáš and created already constant collective which supports us during our performances.

The cymballom band had troubles with creating its name. Alternative names such as CM Vítězslava Preclíka (cymballom band of the Vítězslav Preclík), CM Preclíci (Pretzels - first violinist´s surname is a pun for word Preclík - in english Pretzel) and CM Sklénečka (glass) were in the end defeated by name CM Rubáš (Shroud) CMR

CMR Cymballom band Rubáš is very close to Folklorní studio Buchlovice, not only because without their accompaniment are our performances unconceivable but also because the band is formed by our good friends and some former dancers.

We´re happy that this lot of young and progressive musicians managed to get together and we wish them many successes, many amusing collective tours and pleased moments with our music. Let the folklore songs stay in their hearts, because what goes from heart out is always beautiful. CMR

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